Display images and portraits in cutscenes
Turn it off if you want to save your mobile data or copy the text into a word processor. |
Quick scrolling
Click or tap an image to jump to the next one in cutscenes. |
Advanced CSS Effects
Enable more demanding effects like snow animations. It might lag on mobile devices. |
Skip duplicate story images
Skips generating a new box containing the characters and background if only the speaker's name changed. |
Show SFX buttons
If you don't care about sound effects being shown, turn this off. This is off by default. |
Debug Mode
Displays buttons for showing debug opcodes in cutscenes and warns if a portrait is missing. You probably don't want this enabled. |
Site Appearance Settings
Settings that change how the website looks. |
Use system dark mode
If you have an operating system that supports automatic light and dark theme switching, turn this on to match your device's system preferences. Refresh after applying. Some privacy hardened browsers do not send the 'using dark theme' flag, in which case you will want to keep this disabled. |
Color Scheme
Because everyone hates change, I made it an option. Only applies to the light theme. Since this option is not working 100% correctly (requires PHP), it might be removed later. |
Experimental Settings
Not all of these options are implemented. Turning them on will probably do nothing. |
Keyboard navigation
Use tab and arrow keys to read the story scenes. Might conflict with accessibility tools or alternative ways of browsing. TAB - Navigate to the next box SHIFT+TAB - Navigate to the previous box ↑ & ↓ ARROWS - Alternative prev/next box keybind CTRL+E - In multilanguage mode with a custom language set, begin editing CTRL 1 to 5 - In multilanguage mode, copy translated text into the custom tab and begin editing. |
Add space between story images
Makes it so you can only see one character box at a time. Might make it easier to read. |
WebGL accelerated backgrounds
This works on desktops, but due to Android's very poor support for WebGL it might crash on those devices. If you have an Android and your browser is crashing, head to https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/#event-0-0 to turn it off. |
Show export button
Export current cutscene to an html document. |
Show render button
Display a button below every CG to render it and export as an image. |
Multilanguage mode
Show text side by side and compare it. MTL will also be shown under the original language. This is essentially just for me to edit translations on the fly. Only some cutscenes will have multiple languages due to how MICA's format works and how files have to be manually stiched together to support multiple languages. |
Community retranslation server
It's where I retranslate the game based on MTL. You can download the latest retranslation here and add new lines. If you have an API key, you can submit your own translation too. Email me if you want an API key. The imported language will automatically be added to multilanguage mode and named "Custom". cloud_downloadDownload from community server cloud_uploadSubmit to community serverLoading... If you have an API key for the server, enter it here. |
Import/Export Language Patch
Although the translation server only allows submission with a valid API key, you can still import and export custom translations and share them with your friends. saveExport deleteDelete |
This process will render all images used in the current cutscene to static images. It will immediately start downloading files to your disk, and there will be a lot of them.
It will take a while to render! It will lag your browser! It will use a lot of memory and storage! Make sure you have ~500MB of free space and at least 2GB of RAM! Save your work because the browser might crash!
Select your export option below.
If you are seeing this it's still loading, please wait 1 second for the JSON to load
Either that or your browser is broken, please check for an update.
The online editor has been removed because it was a clunky mess and I can't write a stable API. Please write your custom made cutscenes using a text editor, then load them here.
You can also drag and drop a txt file on top of the button to load it.